Uvac Canyon Serbia

Republic of Serbia

Cathedral of Saint Sava

After a short stop in Hungary I cross the border into the Republic of Serbia! I know little about Serbia and mostly know the country at war, the Yugoslav Civil War of 1991-1999. That was more than 20 years ago, now is the time to discover this country as well.

Subotica City Hall

My first stop is in the town of Subotica.
I’m going to arrange a Serbian SIM card, but I can’t because activation is not possible on Sundays. It is also not possible to withdraw cash because the ATM is empty… 

Fortunately I can view the beautiful City Hall.

Novi Sad Fortress

In Novi Sad I can arrange all practical matters. First I’m going to have a delicious lunch and then a look at the fortress on the Danube. The fortress has a striking white bell tower, many underground tunnels and great views over the city and Danube!

Churches in beautiful places

Sremski Karlovci is also called pretty town. A beautiful town with many churches and also many local wineries. I drink the Sila semi-sweet white wine, chardonnay and spicy red desert wine delicious!

Monastery of Krusedol has a large parking lot where I spend the night in peace. The Serbian Orthodox monastery has beautiful frescoes!

And then the Church of St Sava in Belgrade, the queen of churches, a gigantic imposing church. Take a look at the main photo, the little people in the photo or this video.

Castles on the Danube

The Smederevo Fortress is a ruin on the Danube. I park in the town and walk to the fort with a spacious relaxing garden.

The Golubac Fortress is a beautifully restored castle and Leo is even allowed inside. The fort is in a beautiful location on the water.

Djerdap National Park

In Djerdap National Park I go to a campsite. I need to arrange some things, including laundry. After a short walk in the park, an hours-long rain shower breaks loose. Bizarre how much rain can fall, okay the laundry really doesn’t get dry. The tent has leaked at the neighbors, which is of course worse. I chat with English and Belgians and get pancakes for breakfast, super fun! As soon as it is dry Leo and I take another nice walk in the park. I see charcoal stoves, bee hives and hear a lot of birds.

A little bit of everything

In Lepenski Vir there is an archaeological site with excavations from the years 9000 to 6000 BC. You can go for a great walk in the park around it.

I drive on to Nis and see the lurid Skull Tower. At the time, the governor ordered that a tower be made from the skulls of fallen rebels. To end the day in a light mood, I go out for a nice meal. It reminds me of old times when I went to eat with my parents at the restaurant ‘The Yugoslavia’, delicious!

Hamlet Ladovica

I drive inland towards Lescovak, a fantastic route! Remote villages with stray dogs and chickens, old cars and people who look at me in surprise.

I continue my way through the green rolling landscape, which is interrupted by a brown swirling river from the rain of recent days.

I spend the night in the garden of very nice locals. After a walk in the small village of Ladovica and a few fun and bizarre pictures such as a bomb, I am invited for a Serbian dinner. I feel completely immersed in Serbia!

I’m leaving Serbia for a few days and I’m going to see Kosovo. Do you like to read my blog about Kosovo? Please be patient, this blog will be published soon.

Studenica Monastery

Back in Serbia again! A wonderful night’s sleep in front of the Studenica monastery.

First in the morning I look at the monastery with the old frescoes.

Then I drive in 2 hours to a campsite near Uzice. The route through the Studenica Reserve Park is highly recommended!

Uvac Canyon

The drive to Uvac Canyon is also beautiful! Serbia is amazing, I drive through the hills and the valley to Sjenica. There I take a narrow asphalt road (1 car wide) to the viewpoint. That is quite a drive, occasionally a farm and further alone with nature. As soon as the asphalt road ends I park the car and we walk 2 km to the viewpoint.

STUNNING!!! What a great place! The river Uvac is very green and winds through the landscape like a snake. Wonderfully beautiful! And even crazier, I’m here all alone with Leo. In the oasis of peace I only hear the birds flying low over the water and a small boat with tourists. What a pleasure to be here!

How lucky I feel to be able to make this beautiful journey. I continue my journey to Bosnia and Herzegovina!
Would you like to read my Bosnia blog? Please click on this link https://www.marianaroundtheworld.com/en/europe/culture-mix-in-bosnia-and-herzegovina/

After Bosnia Herzegovina I drive via Serbia to Bulgaria.

Village Potpece

We spend one more night in Serbia in the traditional village of Potpece. Leo and I take a look at the cave and have a good view of the village. That evening I eat fresh fish from the stream next to the restaurant. Life is good!

On to Bulgaria

Early in the morning I drive towards the border of Bulgaria. This border crossing is busy but I didn’t expect this! Almost 5 hours waiting in 38 degrees over 3 km. Not recommended in high season, on to Bulgaria!

Click here for the continuation of my trip in Bulgaria: https://www.marianaroundtheworld.com/en/europe/summer-in-bulgaria/

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