Hoge Tatra Slowakije

Surprising Slovakia!

Zádielska Dolina gorge

Czechoslovakia used to be 1 country, but on January 1, 1993 the country split into two republics; Czech Republic and Slovakia. I’m ready to discover a new country again, I’m crossing the border into Slovakia!

Zilina city

My first stop is in the town of Zilina. After a walk through the city, across the square and in the cathedral, I think it’s great terrace weather.

The Slovak wine tastes great!

Tatra mountains

It is a beautiful route from Zilina to the Tatra Mountains. We spend the night in the hamlet of Vavrisovo and walk in the flower fields at the foot of the Tatras, fantastic.

Not all hiking trails are open in High Tatras at the end of May, but I found a nice route! From the lake Štrbské Pleso we walk to the higher situated lake Popradske Pleso. You can walk on the asphalt or take the route through the forest. Once at the top I enjoy the beautiful view over the lake.

Back in time in Kezmarok 

The ancient city of Kezmarok has had city rights since 1269. Within the castle walls of the Kezmarok Castle I imagine myself back in time.

Then I admire the beautiful churches such as the Protestant wooden church and the colored Lutheran church.


Via the interior I drive to Dedinky, this village is located on the border of the Slovak Paradise.

It is a beautiful place on the lake where we spend the night and the area is also great for walking, prime location!

Levoča & Marian Hill

We drive through the wooded inland to Levoča, a pleasant town with a citywall and medieval streets.

After looking at the churches we take the pilgrim’s path uphill to Mariánske Hora. In English: Marian Hill, nice a mountain with my name!

The Basilica of the Virgin Mary on Mariánske hora is one of the oldest and most famous pilgrimage sites in Slovakia.

Spiš Castle

We start at Spiš Castle today. A big ruin on top of the rock, beautiful from the outside! You can’t see much inside due to a major renovation, but the view is phenomenal 🤩

I view Kosice city from the watchtower. I hear thunder and see a big shower coming! Quickly back to the car and look for a campsite nearby.

Camping in Medzev

At the campsite I meet Ton, a Dutchman whom I once met at a campsite in the Netherlands, that’s a coincidence! Nice to chat Dutch for a while.

Walking in the area behind the campsite is great fun. Through the lawns, the rolling landscape and enjoy the beautiful flowers.

Zádielska Dolina gorge

Then on to the Zádielska Dolina gorge, I walk the round of about 10 km but make a mistake and walk a bit in the wrong direction. After 13 km of climbing and descending, I return to the camper completely satisfied.

What a beautiful view along the way, this was really great again!

Banska Bystrica 

Banska Bystrica is a town with one of the most beautiful squares in Slovakia. It has a stone fountain and colored buildings around the square. I park for the night with a view of the city, amazing!

Spania Dolina

Spania Dolina is a very old mining village. Copper has been mined since the Middle Ages.

I first take a wrong turn and walk a bit through the woods. But Google Maps turns out confused. On the second attempt, it is possible to park the car near the village.

For the first time in my life I see a covered staircase to the church and there is a miners’ museum.

Slovakia really surprised me! I mainly knew the Tatra Mountains but there is much more to discover. I especially enjoyed the cozy villages and the beautiful unspoiled nature.

After a short stopover in Hungary I continue my journey in Serbia, do you want to read the rest of my journey? Please click on this link! https://www.marianaroundtheworld.com/en/europe/republic-of-serbia/

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